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Posted: 2006-03-30 17:12
by 豪情
原谅我又来BABY TALK. 但是这篇文章值得一读.
这文章提到了我对母乳喂养宣传中一直怀有的一个疑惑, 母乳里面的抗体孩子怎么能够从消化道吸收并用上? 有谁懂得免疫的出来解惑?

Posted: 2006-03-30 21:54
by stareye
我学的那点免疫早不知道哪去了, 但我觉得这还涉及到消化道生理, 据我八百年前上的课的印象是--抗体是蛋白质,而蛋白质在小肠是要被消化分解, 变成氨基酸之后被小肠上皮组织吸收再进入血液循环的. 除非BABY的胃肠道有什么特殊机制, 否则进入血液的只是氨基酸, 吃啥都一样.

我觉得母乳喂养肯定有种种好处, 母乳肯定有很多微量的说不清道不明的营养, 但从"抗体论"上确实是说不通.

我的小宝不是good nurser, 几个喂奶专家也没能让他爱上吃奶, 我也就顺其自然了, 现在看来, 好象也没什么损失. 当然这也是没有对照的结论-----我也没法抱着他坐着月光宝盒嗖地回到他刚出生那阵, 来个牛不喝水强按头, 试试纯母乳喂几个月, 看看他小人家有没有变得分外英明神武.

:f16: :f16: :f16:

Posted: 2006-03-30 22:28
by 海阔天空
母乳喂养在有条件的时候当然是好,不能也不用自责。因为所谓好处坏处都是概率 -母乳喂养比吃奶粉的孩子以多大概率会少生病/智商高/等等。而概率对于小样本事件是没有意义的。

Posted: 2006-03-31 0:22
by 猫咪头
Providing immunoglobin-J to the digestive system is a true benefit of breast milk (and the only one I am sure of).

The goal is not to "absorb" the immunoglobin into infant's bloodstream. A infant's blood stream has all 5 type of immunoglubin, except for the IgJ, a major secretory antibody.
This immunoglobulin helps to fight against pathogens that contact the body surface, are ingested, or are inhaled. In adult, IgJ is primarily secreted across the mucosal tract into the stomach and intestines.

Studies shown human babies begin to secret their own IgJ around age 10-12 month, hence the usual "1 year of breastfeeding" recommendation.

The take-home messages are:

1. Do NOT microwave breast milk. Microwave can change 2nd, 3rd and 4th structure of protein (while don't change the a.a. sequence). For IgJ- a polypeptide, how the peptide form a Y shape monomer and how monomer form the end trimeric and even tetrameric protein is vital for its function.

2. A little breast milk a day goes a long way. Many working moms can only sustain enough milk for two feedings a day, morning and night.
(one body can not serve two masters, says the Bible.)
This is GOOD. Don't get frustrated and gave up.

3. "Mixed" is the best way in my opinion, providing health benefit for the child and flexibility for the adult.

4. There is no scientific evidence for other claims of benefit from breastfeeding.

5. No scientific evidence about breastfeeding is good for moms.

Posted: 2006-03-31 8:29
by DeBeers
嗯,我完全母乳喂到12个月,双双1岁半彻底断奶。双双第一次生病是7个多月时的玫瑰疹,然后10个月去了daycare,陆续开始感冒发烧,常常是一次感冒刚好,另外一次就接着来,快1岁的时候还得了一次手足口病,20个月的时候得了一次stomach flu,前一阵还高烧过一次。 迄今为止高烧(〉=103度)3次(一次玫瑰疹,一次手足口病,一次不明病毒),中耳炎一次,胃肠感冒一次,小感冒无数次。所以我对6个月前的母体抗体说是相信的,但是母乳喂养的就不知道了 :roll:

但是母乳喂养倒是有个别的好处,那就是省钱,真是省,就是当妈的平时多吃两口,配方奶那价钱,真贵啊 :evil:

Posted: 2006-03-31 9:33
by stareye
DeBeers wrote: 但是母乳喂养倒是有个别的好处,那就是省钱,真是省,就是当妈的平时多吃两口,配方奶那价钱,真贵啊 :evil:
I agree. :rabbit001: :rabbit001: :rabbit001:

Posted: 2006-03-31 17:47
by tuscany
除了省钱,母乳喂养对妈妈还有个好处 -- 自动减肥。 :f59:

Posted: 2006-03-31 17:58
by sing
我就是母乳很少的, 我吃得不少奶不多, 都自己长身上了. 老大吃了一点点, 然后就是formula喂了, 可是她也是头一年都没有生过病 (一直在家里带倒是). 配方奶也不算很贵拉, 毕竟是养个小人儿不是. 老大吃enfamil吃了半年, 换成了costco kirkland, 便宜不少 :P
看了这篇论文, 倒是让我心里安慰了一些, 不然总觉得怪对不起孩子的.