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Posted: 2005-11-16 12:30
by helenClaire
大厅的一面墙上贴了品德教育的条条框框。一共六条:Respect, Integrity, Caring, Trustworthiness, Responsibility, Citizenship。这个我们在孩子入学kindergarten时已经知道大的题目。下面复杂有趣的细则是第一次读到,可能是给高年级学生用的。
"Treat others the way you want to be treated",“Value and honor all other people for themselves, not what they can do for you or to you" 等日常所说的金科玉律,被放在Respect下面。
有些比较冠冕堂皇:"Stand up for what you believe", "Don't do it when you know it's wrong."
有些比较容易做到,只需将自私心扩大一些。象这个唯一一条能和爱国主义教育扯上关系的”Protect your family, community and country".
有些就难了:“Be tolerable to people who are different from you."这可是违反人惺惺惜惺惺的天性。容忍的前提是保持远距离,互相不干扰吧。
有一条让我非常困惑:”Keep secrets of people who trust you."它虽然和尊重他人的隐私和自主权,不要背叛他人的信任的几条相辅相成。可如今各种对儿童的犯罪都引起社会重视,防范的办法之一是告诉小孩不和大人保密,不和任何人玩秘密游戏么? :roll:
一路看下来,感叹总的要求还挺高,很多我也做不到。 :speechless002:
然后下课铃响,学生们陆续从教室走出来。小姑娘花一路和我往外走一路说,明天是睡衣日,她要穿睡衣上学,另带正常衣服过后换。又说今天是疯狂日,我一听,难怪刚才一个男生穿了扎眼的粉红色T恤衫,上面还写着“Tough guys wear pink".小姑娘花就说,那算什么,她班上一个男生今天穿了裙子来的。 :mrgreen:

Posted: 2005-11-16 13:26
by dropby
"Stand up for what you believe", "Don't do it when you know it's wrong."
千万别。我最近刚学到的血泪教训是when what you believe is different with what your boss believes, just shut up, even if what you believe is correct and what the boss believes is wrong. :let_me_die: :let_me_die: :let_me_die: :let_me_die:

Posted: 2005-11-16 13:47
by 洛洛
你一定要为WHAT YOU BELIEVE找个没人敢出声反对的名目,比如爱国什么的,再在下面干点什么私事儿。

Posted: 2005-11-16 14:17
by 豪情
我和某人某天还探讨过这个INTEGRITY没有中文对应的词, 很难解释呢.
Stand up for what you believe
这个BELIEVE应该是很重的意思, 到了信念和根本原则的程度. 所以如果老板叫你去杀人诈骗, 那还是辞职的好. 如果只是程序怎么编就SHUT UP好了.

Posted: 2005-11-16 14:26
by Jun
:“Be tolerable to people who are different from you."
Do you mean "Be tolerant to people who are different from you"? I don't think it's so hard to achieve. You just have to tolerate them, not respect them or accept them, like tolerating the rain, the cold weather, the lack of sunshine... :speechless002:

But the original sentence is kind of cool too. If only we can get rid of the intolerable, insufferable jerks... :speechless001:

Posted: 2005-11-16 14:40
by 豪情
But the original sentence is kind of cool too. If only we can get rid of the intolerable, insufferable jerks
:-D :mrgreen:

Posted: 2005-11-16 15:37
by helenClaire

Posted: 2005-11-16 15:43
by DeBeers
in・teg・ri・ty [in téggritee]
1. possession of firm principles: the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards
2. completeness: the state of being complete or undivided (formal)
the territorial integrity of a nation.

3. wholeness: the state of being sound or undamaged (formal)
Their refusal to participate in the experiment will undermine its integrity.

Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Posted: 2005-11-17 15:14
by liyue
put this noun into an adjective in translation.
Zheng zhi----upright

A person with integrity is "yi ge zheng zhi de ren."