Search found 193 matches

by water
2005-12-15 20:16
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 艺妓回忆录
Replies: 130
Views: 99387

Yeah, it even bothers me when the ones who supposedly 卖艺不卖身call themselves artists. There is no freedom and no creativity in the types of art they perform. The audience and the platform are both limited. Craftmen is a more appropriate term. What they do is practicing the craft of pleasing men. Exac...
by water
2005-12-15 15:21
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 艺妓回忆录
Replies: 130
Views: 99387

古代的名妓不也是有号称“卖艺不卖身”的吗?或者掉过来说,古代名妓不经常是因为才艺而出名,甚至流芳百世的吗?李白杜甫白居易苏东坡等等等等,谁没养过个把相好的?过去卖淫是合法生意,社会对妓女的态度也跟现在不同,艺妓似乎从本质上跟唐朝的机制也没啥太大不同。很感慨地看到说女人当艺妓倒能琴棋书画,受的教育比普通妇女多多了。这不是跟中国古代的状况一样?当然妓女也分高层底层的,底层妓女就惨多了。现在社会基本没有高级妓女了,妇女都能广泛受教育了,底层妓女还是到处都是。 中国所谓的卖艺不卖身的名妓们对自己的处境地位是非常看不起的,以托身良人为理想归宿。历史上的董小宛嫁了冒辟疆后,只是一个小妾的地位,已经感恩戴...
by water
2005-12-15 12:35
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 艺妓回忆录
Replies: 130
Views: 99387

"high-class geisha -- the pride and elegance and ...." blahblahblah. I still don't get it. Why do those Japanese are so proud of it? No matter how much so-called pride and elegance geisha carry they are still high-end prostitues. If that's culture, it is really sick. Now I understand why asian men g...
by water
2005-12-12 14:14
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 艺妓回忆录
Replies: 130
Views: 99387

Last month's vogue wrote something about this movie. The writer called geisha "the symbol of fashion in their era".
by water
2005-12-12 9:23
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 艺妓回忆录
Replies: 130
Views: 99387


by water
2005-12-05 14:19
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 但愿人长久(心情不好和心情很好慎入)
Replies: 7
Views: 10800


by water
2005-12-05 14:07
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 求助:Semi-formal attire
Replies: 16
Views: 19935

Is it in the evenings? I would say it is safe to wear a cocktail dress. If you don't want to overspend, get one in Ann Taylor Loft or Macy's , they have decent selections for moderate price. Consider Junior section if you are very petite. Same question here. What is cocktail dress? Isn't it too chi...
by water
2005-11-23 22:43
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]要去看茶馆了
Replies: 0
Views: 6006




by water
2005-10-27 8:46
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 为他吃苦的郁闷版(口水)
Replies: 32
Views: 27860


by water
2005-10-18 19:55
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: Law and Order: Criminal Intent (加后记)
Replies: 34
Views: 38536

by water
2005-10-08 15:46
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [原创]周邦彦 荔枝 咸柠七
Replies: 4
Views: 8865

by water
2005-10-08 15:41
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 你是哪族人
Replies: 8
Views: 11097

by water
2005-10-04 13:22
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [原创]画饼充饥张爱玲(完)
Replies: 43
Views: 35380

All I am saying is that a sensitive person is more likely to get traped in his/her painful past and very difficult to ignore even tiny unhappiness in life. There is nothing wrong with it. An artist benefites from this born-trait. The same unpleasant experience in childhood didn't affect Zhang's brot...
by water
2005-10-04 11:54
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [原创]画饼充饥张爱玲(完)
Replies: 43
Views: 35380


by water
2005-10-04 8:12
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [原创]画饼充饥张爱玲(完)
Replies: 43
Views: 35380


by water
2005-10-03 7:15
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [原创]画饼充饥张爱玲(完)
Replies: 43
Views: 35380

Jun wrote:
愿闻其详。曾经有个张迷朋友给我扫盲讲她的生平,可惜我左耳进右耳出,只记得她因为不是庶出小时候颇吃了些苦头,搁今天完全是child abuse,具体的全不记得了。


其他就是jun总结的,child abuse.
by water
2005-09-28 18:02
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: Bob Dylan, The Great Gatsby及其他 (cont)
Replies: 13
Views: 16240



by water
2005-08-16 21:19
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 薪水微薄 Nickel And Dimed. American Working Poor
Replies: 136
Views: 132185

You're talking about: Is it possible to have low-paying jobs and save money and even buy a house? 我并不认为每个人都做得到. 即使是中等收入的人不也有很多买不起房子么? 看你如何过日子了. 我只是觉得, 如果低薪收入的人中间特别节俭的那一批能够买房子, 那么不那么节俭的人至少应该可以维持温饱没问题. 而且我认为收入多少和如何过日子加起来决定了一个人过得如何. The system doesn't give poor people a fair chance. 你自己说了, 社会永远不可能真正公平...
by water
2005-07-12 12:17
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [原创小说] 花边婚
Replies: 158
Views: 106074


Same feeling here. This wife never tried to make the marriage work. It is her fantasy instead of the tedious trivial life that made her believe that the marriage was over. I hope the ending is not what I sensed.
by water
2005-07-12 9:06
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [原创小说] 花边婚
Replies: 158
Views: 106074


by water
2005-07-11 15:01
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 强烈推荐 (转自Washington Post)
Replies: 29
Views: 24056

Jun wrote:只有凶猛扩张的民族才能生存至今
Oh, I see. Basically, you are saying China didn't expand because China in history failed to do that not because China didn't have the lust to do that?
by water
2005-07-11 14:36
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 强烈推荐 (转自Washington Post)
Replies: 29
Views: 24056

silkworm wrote:
Jun wrote:汉朝为什么老要跟匈奴打仗?宋朝为什么跟契丹,女真打仗?

hehe, When I saw Jun's post, my first thought is 《河殇》too.
by water
2005-07-11 12:57
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 强烈推荐 (转自Washington Post)
Replies: 29
Views: 24056

谢谢Jun :love011: --真是很有趣的理论。 不过我也有同样的疑惑:那么亚洲不也是同样土壤肥沃,农作物/畜牧业发达,文明发展得很早么,为什么亚洲就没有欧洲那样的致力于扩张呢?当然书里可能有详尽的解释,报纸上的不详细。 You are not the only person who has this question. It is very interesting that his book is convincing enough mostly to western readers. I saw more than one critiques by People from diff...
by water
2005-06-20 20:22
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 读后感:Autobiograph of God (completed and cleaned up)
Replies: 9
Views: 12117

在承认神的存在的前提下, 逻辑非常自恰. Easy, fella. You said it right there about the relation between logic and believing in God, which agrees with my statement above. Besides I am not trying to make a general conclusion to apply on everybody. It is only an observation I drew from many people. If you don't fall in ...
by water
2005-06-20 14:59
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 读后感:Autobiograph of God (completed and cleaned up)
Replies: 9
Views: 12117

It might be true that Nobody chooses to believe in God because of "逻辑". But it is also true that many people choose not to believe in God because there is no logic in God. Are there people who chose to belive in God because of "逻辑"? That's new to me. When I say not necessarily, I didn't deny "it is...
by water
2005-06-20 12:55
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 读后感:Autobiograph of God (completed and cleaned up)
Replies: 9
Views: 12117

dropby wrote:但是我基本上不相信任何教的神, 因为都比较不合逻辑.
No necessarily. Nobody chooses to believe in God because of "逻辑". It could be that because right now you don't have the need.
by water
2005-06-20 8:49
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 读后感:Autobiograph of God (completed and cleaned up)
Replies: 9
Views: 12117

To some people, the ALMIGHTY is benevolent and omnipotent. So in frustration and pain, God lends them a shoulder to cry on and gives them the confidence and hope to continue living. Human beings are weak, too weak to accept the possible cold fact that there is no destiny and meaning of lives. I am n...
by water
2005-06-13 7:28
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [闲聊]史密斯夫妇
Replies: 49
Views: 34033

icefire wrote:能够俗到脱俗的,好莱坞里,除了安吉丽娜再无第二人。这是我看了这个电影之后的第一感想。
by water
2005-06-10 13:06
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 护花使者
Replies: 13
Views: 17892

娜娜猫 wrote:还有件好玩儿的事儿,跟小e共勉 :-D

小花儿继续甜蜜地笑, 不说话, 摇着那两个信封。

小花儿看了他一会儿, 眼波流转了一阵子, 然后说:没什么。 
I have to admit I am probably the type who shouldn't have children. Girls behaving like that drive me nuts.
by water
2005-06-09 13:37
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 近日读书报告 (完)
Replies: 33
Views: 27079

I would argue differently. Social surrounding is all that has been greatly improved since 1905. Making a living as young professionals is socially acceptable and respectable. Back then, it was a sign of poverty. yeah? After 100 years, now, Look at YiShu's most working-class female charaters admired...
by water
2005-06-09 13:20
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 近日读书报告 (完)
Replies: 33
Views: 27079

Jun wrote:Yes, in poverty and isolation.
So she did have a choice. Take away the social surrondings, this character is so much like the working-class ladies in YiShu's novels.
by water
2005-06-09 13:08
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 近日读书报告 (完)
Replies: 33
Views: 27079

Knowing wrote:
Elysees wrote:Jun评House of Mirth这几句话倒把我的兴趣勾起来了~~既然字字句句都适用于这个时代,为什么又是庆幸生活在这个时代涅? :roll:
Because even though human nature and weakness ramain the same as 100 years ago, women do have choices now?
Didn't she have the choice to live on her own?
by water
2005-06-07 14:00
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [转帖]Article about Brad Pitt (for all you fans out there)
Replies: 11
Views: 11236

Another show for PR ba...
by water
2005-06-02 9:33
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 61节给我的记忆
Replies: 15
Views: 15936

by water
2005-05-31 12:10
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 时间是我们最小的敌人--The hours(花絮完liao)
Replies: 75
Views: 46447

Jun wrote:必须承认我这个喜欢在电影上拿腔拿调的人硬没把这片子看懂。后来有个朋友跟我解释,里面三个主角都是同性恋,而且这是一个关于病理性忧郁症的故事。我体会不到它的好,但是经历过的人能感到其真实性。
by water
2005-05-31 9:27
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [转帖]The Scent of a Man(TIME杂志上的文章)
Replies: 48
Views: 34881

by water
2005-05-31 8:28
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 61节给我的记忆
Replies: 15
Views: 15936


by water
2005-05-31 8:17
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [转帖]The Scent of a Man(TIME杂志上的文章)
Replies: 48
Views: 34881

蚕,没有矛盾啊?讲的完全是不同的事。 第一句是说,我怀疑现在这种研究(蚕的引文)同性恋是先天还是后天对改变他们的社会地位能有什么作用。 第二句话的意思是说,这个研究(我看到的英国人的研究)号称在研究对象(同性恋和异性恋)得到社会的支持和他们的身体状态是一样的情况下进行的。我觉得现在的情况下,很难找到这样的同性恋群体,所以这个前提会被质疑,他们的研究结果只能说有一定的可信性。 写这么两句得解释这么多,可见我的英文水准真是差劲。 我同意dropby的话“同性恋争取权益的第一步肯定得是争取大家认识同性恋既不是罪恶也不是病症, 都是普通人而已.”我觉得让大家认识到这不是罪恶应该是容易些,可是要承认这也...
by water
2005-05-29 20:31
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [转帖]The Scent of a Man(TIME杂志上的文章)
Replies: 48
Views: 34881

Even if there are enough evidences showing that homosexuality is biological,congential, or genetic, I really doubt that the fact would improve their social situation, which ususally refers to legal marrige and having children. Unless it can be shown that homosexuality won't endanger the stability of...
by water
2005-05-25 10:00
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [转帖]The Scent of a Man(TIME杂志上的文章)
Replies: 48
Views: 34881


首先你得给个定义,什么叫are born with,什么叫something they choose。在母体内的胚胎就受到外界的影响,如果是那时候形成的同性取向,你能说是are born with吗?再说了,这个研究就算能得出结论说,同性取向的人对气味的反映不一样,也说明不了这是后天形成或先天形成的。感觉这assumption是说,在生理上有physical差异的就是先天形成的,否则就是后天的。可是这physical的差异是由于性取向引起的还是引起性取向差异的,本身就没有得到验证。
by water
2005-05-24 10:03
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [转帖]余杰:漫画钱钟书──读宗璞《东藏记》
Replies: 34
Views: 32242

Jun wrote:
by water
2005-05-24 9:13
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 时间是我们最小的敌人--The hours(花絮完liao)
Replies: 75
Views: 46447

寓教于乐 General at least you want to learn something. I just want to find the dark side of humanity and say, "Ha-ha!" (in Nelson's laughing voice from The Simpsons). The dark side of humanity is everywhere, not just in this movie. I start to believe that only God doesn't know the dark side of humanity.
by water
2005-05-24 9:04
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: [转帖]余杰:漫画钱钟书──读宗璞《东藏记》
Replies: 34
Views: 32242

Knowing wrote:
That's the point. 钱的讽刺好看不是因为读者知道背后所指的人与事,而是因为讽刺本身摘皮出骨描画出了普遍人性。宗璞的讽刺写的实在不怎么精彩,跟伊的小说一样。