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by atiti
2005-02-14 19:41
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 近日读书报告(完)
Replies: 31
Views: 24856

hmm, I would say if the history repeats itself (or if we see history as repeating itself), that's because we, to a certain degree, repeat our ancestors, which ultimately also comes down to the genes passed down to us. Although I guess if we go into a tai-gang mode, what Jun was talking about (the so...
by atiti
2005-01-18 16:10
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 傲慢与偏见trivia (+close hand)
Replies: 21
Views: 24443

CAVA :-D ,Newland 是家族姓,我还真没注意到,说实话,那部小说看得早,又只草草看过一遍,现在想起人来第一反应都是丹尼尔代刘易斯维诺纳莱德米歇尔肺腑... 要是不说还真不知道19世纪的纽约上流社会这些命名习惯是不是还给保留着。说到重名儿,Darcy 那个annotation 我还有一句没抄的,“Sometimes the eldest son of each successive generation would continue to bear this name: thus Darcy's first son, if he has one, may also receive ...
by atiti
2005-01-18 15:32
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 条子上门
Replies: 10
Views: 12590

by atiti
2005-01-16 15:25
Forum: 恶人谷
Topic: 傲慢与偏见trivia (+close hand)
Replies: 21
Views: 24443

傲慢与偏见trivia (+close hand)

有天晚上两三点非常郁闷无处发泄,在amazon上订了一本儿 The Annotated Pride and Prejudice,完了该干吗干吗去了,过两天想起来觉着吃饱了撑的,打算给cancel掉,发现amazon手快已经给我寄了。再过两天就收到一本儿小砖头――正文的字儿比较大,又是一页正文配一页注解,结果足有700页,赶上课本儿了。 这个注解的同志说实话够唐僧,也不知道他想针对的读者是谁,什么都注。比如handsomest给注上“most attractive. The term "handsome" was used regularly to describe women then, an...